Delivery terms – The delivery terms, which are intended as per week, are shown in the order confirmation sent by Arlo Distribuzioni to the Customer. They are considered confirmed only if the customer pays Arlo Distribuzioni the requested deposit within 5 working days of receipt by the customer of the order confirmation. Otherwise Arlo Distribuzioni reserves the right to redefine the delivery terms without the Customer having the right to rescind or terminate the contract, depending on their production possibilities at the time of receipt of the down payment. In any case, even if the deposit is paid within 5 working days of receipt of the order confirmation from the Customer, the delivery terms are intended as indicative, as they may vary according to the production possibilities at the time the order takes effect. , with a margin of 20 working days. Should the delay due to Arlo Distribuzioni exceed 90 days, the Customer will have the right to withdraw from the contract by sending notice by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt or PEC and have the advances paid in return without interest. The Customer’s right of withdrawal due to delay by Arlo Distribuzioni lapses from the moment of delivery. Unless expressly agreed in writing in the order phase, any delays with respect to the delivery terms indicated in the order confirmation (with the exception of the delay of more than 90 working days described above which entitles the Customer to obtain only the advances paid in return ) will not give the Customer any right to claim compensation for damages, or reduction of the price, or penalty, or termination.
Transportation and delivery – Transportation will be performed exclusively by Arlo Distribuzioni personnel or with shippers affiliated with the same or expressly accepted by it, and is always understood to be performed on behalf of the Customer. The Customer has the obligation to verify the integrity of the goods upon arrival and the accuracy of the packages in accordance with the transport document and, in the event of any discrepancies or breakages, he must strictly enter a written reservation on the transport document and immediately inform Arlo Distribuzioni, otherwise the goods must be considered intact and compliant.
Products – The object of the supply are the goods indicated in the order confirmation, however named, of which all the elements are fully described (designs, colours, quantities and prices) in the estimates sent to the Customer. Once the order confirmation has been accepted by the Customer, no changes can be requested, as these are made-to-measure goods whose production begins immediately after acceptance of the order confirmation.
Payments – Unless otherwise agreed upon during the order, payments are understood to be 100% upon order confirmation. All payments made by bank transfer must reach the supplier within the established deadline or may lead to the redefinition of the delivery date pursuant to the article relating to delivery terms. The Customer cannot for any reason delay or suspend payments, even if disputes or complaints have arisen.
Default and termination – In the event of default by the Customer of the payment or delivery obligations in the terms specified in the preceding points, or of any other obligation against him, Arlo Distribuzioni reserves the right to terminate the contract by sending written pursuant to art. 1456 c.c.. In this case, reserving the right to compensation for greater damages, Arlo Distribuzioni will have the right to retain the goods ordered and the down payment or advances paid up to that moment by the Customer as its own assets and/or take legal action to obtain payment of the accrued amount according to contractual agreements and compliance with the sales contract.
Suspension of deliveries – In the event of insolvency, also towards third parties as well as in the case of commercial incapacity of the Customer or in the event of any change in the company name of the same, Arlo Distribuzioni will be entitled to suspend or totally cancel the supplies, pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 1461 c.c..
Retention of title – All the goods covered by this supply will remain the exclusive property of Arlo Distribuzioni until full payment of the price. Therefore, the sale is made and accepted with the retention of title pursuant to art. 1523 e ss. c.c..
Referral – For anything not expressly provided for in these General Conditions of Sale, reference is made to the Civil Code. Other conditions, additions or modifications will be valid only when expressly recognized in writing and specifically signed by both parties.
Jurisdiction – Without prejudice to the case of natural persons acting for purposes unrelated to their business or professional activity, in which the consumer protection laws provide for the jurisdiction of the Customer’s Court, in all other cases, for any dispute between the parties , the Court of Arlo Distribuzioni, identified in the Court of Parma, is recognized as the only competent one.